
Abraham is the father of faith. God protects Abraham. These are the generations of Terah: Terah begat Abram, Nahor & Haran, Haran begat Lot.
Haran died before his father Terah. Abram’s wife was named Sarai (Sarah). Sarai was a half-sister to Abram (they had different mothers but same father). Nahor’s wife was named Milcah (the daughter of Haran)(I think).
God appeared to Abram and told him to leave where he was at so that he would make him Father of a great nation. And God would bless him. Abram took Lot with him.
Abram and Sarai deceive the Pharaoh of Egypt by lying and saying that Sarai was his sister. They did this in fear that they would kill Abram for his wife Sarai was so beautiful. So the Pharaoh found out about the deception and he sent them away from the land. Before doing so, Pharaoh found it in his heart to give them a lot of possessions.
The three left Egypt and Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.
There was strife between Abram’s cattle and the herdmen of Lot’s cattle. So they separated in their way. Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan. Lot pitched his tent toward the city of Sodom. He was drawn by the glitter of it and moved there. Sodom was a very evil place. Abram ends up rescuing Lot from being prisoned.
(Genesis 14:17) - Abram pays ties to Melchizedek-a type of Christ. God blessed Abram.
God promises an heir and a land to Abram. At the time, Sarai could not have children and was getting older so she took matters into her own hands and gave her maid servant (Hagar) to Abram to bare him a child. Hagar was with child and Sarai grew jealous and wanted to harm Hagar so Hagar fled. An angel appeared to Hagar and told her not to fear and return to her master. That she was to have a son named Ishmael and he would be a wild man; his hand will be against every man and every man’s against him. So Hagar had Abram a son named Ishmael. (Ishmael is the nation of Islam) Islam does not believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah.
Ishmael’s descendants:
12 children
12 princes
12 nations

Then God changed Abram’s name to Abraham and told him that he was going to be a father of many nations.
A Covenant of circumcision was made with Abraham and any of his descendants and man servants or anyone that dwell with them. Any man whose flesh is not circumcised would be cut off from his people, and this would break his covenant. So Abraham obeyed.
God then changed Sarai’s name to Sarah. God tells Abraham that Sarah will indeed bare him a son named Isaac (even in her old age) and will establish his covenant with him. God also blessed Ishmael by greatly multiplying him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he begat and will make him a great nation.
All the men in the house were circumcised. Then three visitors came to see Abraham. One was God and the other were angels who spoke with him. Sarah laughed to herself when she overheard that the Lord said she was to have a child in her old age and God called her on it. And she lied and said that she did not but God heard her thoughts.
The men then stood up and looked toward Sodom and Abraham went with them. God was fed up with Sodom and Gomorrah’s evil ways. Abraham intercedes for Sodom several times saying if there are any men that are right by God then do not destroy them. Then God agrees.
Two angels travel into Sodom and they are sinned against. They go in and stay with Lot. They tell Lot to leave now with his wife and two daughters and leave and not look back. But when they left, Lot’s wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. Lot was instructed to stay in a cave for a time. And he did with his daughters. His daughters were in fear of not reproducing so each tricked their father by getting him drunk and seducing him. They both had children by him. The first born was named Moah, the same is the father of Moabites this day and the younger bare a son named Benammi, the same is the father of the children of Ammon to this day.

Again Abraham lies about Sarah being his wife to someone else, Abimelech. Abilmelech feared God and was afraid what he would do. So he gave sheep, oxen, and servants to Abraham and restored him his wife.

Then Sarah conceived and bared a son named Isaac.
God has kept pure through the blood line of Isaac for Jesus Christ. Sarah told Abraham to send away Hagar & Ishmael. Abraham did not want to but God told him to listen to what Sarah told him to do that through his seed with Isaac would he make great nations and bless. So he sent them away.

Abraham covenants with Abimelech.

God then asks of Abraham to offer up his son as a sacrifice to him and Abraham obeys what God tells him. While walking up to the altar, Isaac asks where is the sacrifice and Abraham tells him that the Lord will provide one, not telling him that he was intending to use him as the sacrifice. Before he kills his son an angel stops him and there behind the thicket is a ram which they used for the sacrifice. God did not want him to kill his son but that it was good he was willing to do whatever he asks. This pleased God.

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