Adam & Eve

Eve listening to the serpent disobeyed God and ate from the tree of knowledge. She offered the fruit to Adam and he ate it. Now they knew right from wrong and were embarrassed of their nakedness. They sewed fig leaves to cover their bodies.
God cursed the serpent. Genesis 3:15 is the first reference in the Bible of the coming Messiah. He was telling the serpent about this.
God cursed Eve for her sin that he will greatly multiply her sorrow and conception (meaning pain during menstruation and giving birth) & her desire should be to her husband and he should rule over her.
God cursed Adam that he would have to eat the food of the earth for all of his days. Adam would have to work for his food. He sent Adam & Eve out of the Garden of Eden.
Very first sacrifice was coats of skin God made for Adam & Eve to wear. That's why there was blood needed to be shed to cover the guilt of the sin they did.
Adam & Eve had two sons named Cain & Able. Able was a shepherd but Cain was a farmer.
Cain brought God an offering of the fruit of the ground and this displeased God. There had to be a blood sacrifice for sin. Able brought an animal sacrifice as what God wanted. God was upset with Cain and pleased with Able and this made Cain jealous of his brother. Cain ended up killing his brother and God found out and abandoned Cain from the land they lived in.
First City ever built was Enoch, named after Cain's son.
Later Eve had another son named Seth. From Seth he begat Enos and from then many more were born. In the line of birth there was Lamech who begat Noah.

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