
A New King Oppresses The Growing Number Of Israelites
In the beginning of the book of Exodus, it tells us that Jacob and all of his sons have passed away. However, they left behind many descendants that still lived in Egypt and are slaves to Pharaoh. There was a new king that ruled over their land that did not know Joseph. This new Pharaoh was afraid that the children of Israel could take over because there were many so he was mean to them and brought a lot of hardships on them. Still they multiplied in numbers. Pharaoh then spoke with the Hebrew midwives and told them that if a boy was born that day to kill him but if it was a girl then they could leave the baby alone. But the midwives feared God and did not do as the Pharaoh ordered but they saved the boys’ lives. Pharaoh heard of what the midwives were doing so he asked them why they did not obey. They told him that they feared God and would not do this. So for fearing the Lord, God blessed them with homes. Still the children of Israel multiplied even more.

Pharaoh Commands That Hebrew Males Be Killed At Birth
This scared Pharaoh and he ordered for all of the Hebrew boys to be killed and thrown in the river. There was a man of out of the house of Levi who took a daughter of Levi & they had a son. She hid her baby for three months. After this time, she seen she could no longer hide him so she placed the baby in a little ark and sailed him down the river. The baby’s sister had seen what the mother did. About that time, the Pharaoh’s daughter, accompanied by her maids, had come down to wash herself by the riverside. When she saw the little ark floating, she had her maid go get it. When they saw that there was a crying baby inside the ark, Pharaoh’s daughter had compassionate for the child and realized that this was a Hebrew baby. The baby’s sister suggested to Pharaoh’s daughter that she go get a Hebrew nurse to help take care of the baby. The Pharaoh’s daughter agreed and the sister left and brought back a nurse (the mother of the baby). Pharaoh’s daughter told her to keep the child and raise it till he was older. So she did, the child grew and then the nurse brought him back to Pharaoh’s daughter and he became her son and she named him Moses because she drew him out of the water.

Moses Slays an Egyptian And Flees To Midian
Later, Moses grew up and saw an Egyptian beating on a Hebrew and Moses did not like this. Moses looked around to see if anyone was watching and seen no one around, then he killed the Egyptian and buried him in the sand. Then the next day Moses went out and there were two Hebrew men and they told him that they knew what he had done and they disagreed with this thing he had done that they knew this was wrong. They told Moses he was not to take it upon himself to be their judge. Moses realized that this thing he had done was out and it was a matter of time before the Egyptians were to come looking for him. Pharaoh heard of this thing he had done and was looking to kill Moses but Moses fled to the land of Midian. Moses sat down by a well. The priest of Midian had seven daughters who drew water from this well daily to feed it to their father’s flock. But the shepherds came and drove them away but Moses stood up and helped the daughters to fed water to the flocks. And when the daughter went back to their father Reuel (also called Jethro), he asked how come they were back so soon. And the daughters told them of the man that helped them fend off the shepherds and that he watered his flocks. Their father asked where this man was and why didn’t they offer him to come back to eat with them. So he told them to go bring him back to eat with them. So they did. Moses was happy to be in the man’s house and Reuel gave him his daughter, Zipporah. So they had a son and they named him Gershom because he said he was a stranger in a strange land.
Later on, the Pharaoh died and the children of Israel were still in bondage and cried up to God, pleading him to deliver them from bondage. God heard their cries and remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The Burning Bush
Moses now looked after his father-in-law’s flock and one day he brought this flock to the mountain of God. Then an angel appeared to Moses in a burning bush. This bush was odd because it was on fire yet it was not consumed, meaning being burnt. Moses said he will go and see why the bush was not burnt and when he did this then God called his name twice and told him “Here am I”. God told Moses to remove his shoes for the land he stood on was holy. Then God told him he was the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God. God tells Moses that he has seen the affliction and heard the cries of the people of Israel and now he wants to deliver the people out of the hands of the Egyptians. And that he wanted to bring them to a new land that was flowing of milk and honey. God also tells him that he has seen how wrongly the Egyptians have treated his people that he wants Moses to go forth and talk to Pharaoh to ask him to let his people go. Moses asks God who he is to be the person to do this, doubting that he can do this that he is only one man. But God assures that he will be with him every step of the way and not to fear. God tells Moses that after he has delivered his people from Egypt that he is to return back to the mountain they are at now and serve him. Then Moses asks God when the people of Israel ask who sent him what should he say to them. God told Moses to go to the elders of the children of Israel and tell him that the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob was the one that sent you, that he has heard your sufferings and cries and that he has chosen to use you to deliver them from Egypt to the land of milk and honey. And God told him to tell them “I AM THAT I AM”. Then Moses should go to Pharaoh and tell him that the God of the Hebrews has spoken to them and wants them to travel three days in the wilderness and offer up a sacrifice to Our Lord. God tells Moses that the Pharaoh will not let them do this. So God says he will stretch out his hand and smite all of Egypt with all of his wonders and then he will finally let them go. God also tells Moses that Pharaoh will have favor upon the children of Israel for a little while and will give them everything they need for their journey where they won’t go empty handed. Moses tells God that he doesn’t believe anyone will listen to him or believe that the Lord has sent him to do this task.

Moses’ Rod Becomes A Serpent
So God tells Moses to take the rod that he has in his hand and throw it on the ground and it became a serpent and Moses ran away from it. God tells Moses to take it by the tail and he done so as he done this it turned back into his rod. God told him that this was the proof that they needed to know that God had sent Moses to do this work.

Moses’ Hand Becomes Leprous
God then said for him to put his hand in his shirt and then when he took it out, his hand became leprous as snow. Then he said put his hand back into his shirt again and then when he removed it, his hand was normal again. God said like this, if the people do not believe by the first sign then it will come to pass they should believe in the next sign. And if they still not believe, to take them to the river and pour some of the water on the dry land that the water shall turn into blood on the dry land.

Aaron Is Appointed As Moses’ Spokesman
Moses feared going back to Egypt and he doubted that he was the one to do the task that God has asked of saying that he is not good with words and fears that he won’t have the right words to say for him to use someone else. God reminds Moses that he was the one who made man’s mouth and assures Moses that he will give him the right words to say in the time of need. So Moses agrees to go. God said that he was going to use Aaron, his brother to be a spokesman for Moses and that he would also give Aaron the words to say as well. But they were to both go and do this thing he has asked.

Moses Leaves Jethro And Returns To Egypt
Moses goes back to his father-in-law’s house and tells him that he is to go and see if his people are still alive. Jethro agrees to this. God then tells Moses it is time to go that the men that were after his life are all dead now. Moses took his wife and his sons with him to Egypt along with his rod of God in his hand. God speaks to Moses again and tells him to take the rod he has in his hand and go to Pharaoh and do these wonders by the rod and God will harden the heart of Pharaoh to still not let the people go. God told Moses to tell Pharaoh that Israel is his son and even his firstborn and to let them go and if he does not then God will take away Pharaoh’s first born for not obeying. The Lord sought out to kill Moses because Moses’ son had not been circumcised up to this point so before he could go and carry out God’s plans and save his own life, he had to obey and have his son circumcised. Zipporah (Moses wife) had his son circumcised at the Inn and she was angry and called him a bloody husband. God chose to use Moses to still carry out his plans. Then the Lord said To Aaron go into the wilderness and meet up with Moses and he did. Moses then told Aaron everything that the Lord had said to him. Then they went and gathered all the elders of the children of Israel and Aaron spoke to them and they showed them the signs God told Moses to do. And the people believed this came from God so that bowed their heads and worshipped him.

Pharaoh Commands The Israelites To Make Bricks Without Straw
Then Moses and Aaron visits Pharaoh and tells them that the Lord sends them to ask to let their people go. And Pharaoh says he does not know the Lord and he will not let them go. So then they ask the Pharaoh to let them go journey three days to offer up a sacrifice to their Lord and Pharaoh says no that he would not release anyone of their work to do such a thing. Then Pharaoh tried to make the slaves work harder on them by saying not to give them straw to build but for them to go and gather the straw themselves which would heavily increase their workload. People who did not accomplish their tasks as before were beaten and treated cruelly.

Renewal Of God’s Covenant
The children of Israel go to Moses and Aaron and demands to know why this is happening to them that they thought they would be delivered from Pharaoh’s hands yet things hare much worse now that they have spoken to him. Moses questions God about why this is too. God told Moses that by God’s mighty hands that the children of Israel will be let go that only God could accomplish this task and not man. He tells Moses that he appeared to Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob as the name God Almighty but he never revealed to them as the name of Jehovah like he is revealing to him now. God promises to establish his covenant he made with them about the Promised Land, (the land of Canaan). God also tells them since the children of Israel has turned to him that he has heard their cries and now will deliver them for bringing it to him. God says he would deliver them out with great judgment on the Egyptians. God promises to take these people as his chosen ones and give them the land because it is their heritage. Moses tries to talk to the children of Israel but they ignore him. God then tells Moses to go again and ask Pharaoh to let his people go. But Moses tells God the children of Israel wouldn’t listen to him so he doubts Pharaoh will hear him out. Then the Lord gives Moses & Aaron the genealogy of his people showing that they came from Levi.

God Encourages Moses
God then tells Moses to go speak to Pharaoh again but Moses is reluctant thinking he can’t get Pharaoh to listen to him. God tells Moses that he has made him a god unto Pharaoh and Aaron a prophet. And that God will give him the words to say and he will speak them and that he will give Moses the signs that he is to show the people and he will do it. But God tells him that even after this, Pharaoh will not let the people go until God himself has to bring great judgment on the land. And then all the Egyptians will know that God is the Lord and then they will turn his people loose. That these things need to be fulfilled first before Pharaoh will set them free. God tells Aaron to take his rod and throw it down in front of Pharaoh and it will turn into a serpent. Then Moses and Aaron obeys and does would they are told to do. Then Pharaoh calls the wise men and the sorcerers (the magicians of the Egypt) and they also did the same with their enchantments. They threw down several rods and turned them into serpents but Aaron’s rod swallowed up all of their rods. Pharaoh’s heart was hardened even more. God then speaks to Moses again and tells him that the Pharaoh’s heart is hardened and will not let his people go.
The plagues happened for a reason, and some even happened in the land of Goshen this was because there was ideology going on there. After being enslaved for about 215 years, the Israelites had picked up the ideology through the times from the Egyptians. They had so many other gods and they needed to understand there is only just one God. So God had to set the Israelites free from this. So the first three plagues Goshen had to be affected by them to change their ways. Each plague represented a god they were worshipping.

First plague: Waters become blood
The people worshipped the god of the river and God was to tear apart this thought of a god. So God tells Moses to go in the morning to take his rod with him to the river where Pharaoh will be and say to him that the Lord God of the Hebrews has sent him saying to let his people go that they will serve him in the wilderness but he has not heard him. But God will show him that he is the Lord. God commands Aaron to use the rod to touch the waters in Egypt (river, ponds, pools, etc.) and turn it to blood. And the fish in the river will die and the river will stink. And the Egyptians will not have any water to drink because they will hate the water of the river. Moses and Aaron obey and they do this in front of Pharaoh and his servants turning all of the water into blood. All of the fish dies, the river stank and there was no drinking water for the Egyptians. Then Pharaoh’s magicians could duplicate this plague however, they could not stop the plague from happening. Pharaoh’s heart hardened even more and he does not listen to Moses & Aaron. The Egyptians dug around for drinking water and this lasted for seven days.

Second plague: Frogs
The people also had a god of frogs who was of fertility and rebirth and God was to tear apart this thought of a god. God tells Moses to go to Pharaoh again and ask for him to let my people go. And tell him that if he does not that he will smite the borders of Egypt with frogs. And the rivers with bring many more frogs and they will be everywhere including in their homes and beds, etc. Moses obeys and God tells Aaron to hold up the rod and cast this upon the land if Pharaoh does not agree to let his people go. So he did so. Then Pharaoh’s magicians produced frogs of their own however, they could not get rid of the frogs. Pharaoh then agrees to Moses that he will let some of his people go to the wilderness to make their sacrifice to the Lord. Moses tells Pharaoh that he will ask God to make the frogs stay in the river only and get them out of their houses. Moses goes and speaks to God and God did as Moses asked and all the frogs on the land died except the ones that were in the river. They gathered the frogs into a heap and the land stank. This made Pharaoh’s heart hardened even more. But still did not release his people.

Third plague: Lice
This plague comes on the land of Egypt without warning. God tells Moses to tell Aaron to stretch out his rod and smite the dust of the land that it will become infested with lice. So they did and men and animals were infested with lice and all the dust in the land of Egypt became lice. The magicians tried to do the same but could not. Then the magicians told Pharaoh that this work was done by the finger of God. Still Pharaoh’s heart was hardened and ignored what they were telling him.

Fourth plague: Flies
The Egyptians worshiped the god of a beetle and it was thought that the Hebrew word for flies meant beetle. The land of Goshen was not affected by this plague. The Lord told Moses to rise up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh and warn him that if he does not let his people go that God will send swarms of flies upon him and his people and the flies would be in their homes and the ground that they were on. And Moses told Pharaoh that the swarms will not be in the land of Goshen and he will know that this comes from the Lord. And that there will be a division among his people and God’s people and this was to happen tomorrow. And the Lord did so. The land was corrupted with the swarm of flies. Pharaoh then sends for Moses and Aaron. Moses wanted to go three days into the desert as God said to worship but Pharaoh would not let them leave Egypt to do it. Pharaoh told them that they could worship God in Egypt but not leave for the desert. Moses would not compromise and said NO! Pharaoh then says if God would stop the flies then he would let them go to the desert. God stopped the flies then Pharaoh changed his mind and would not let them go worship in the desert as he promised. Pharaoh hardened his heart even more and would not let his people go.

Fifth plague: Death of Livestock
This plague is more intense and did not affect the land of Goshen. This plague was attacking their god of a black cow. There was a fair warning that the cattle were going to die. The Lord tells Moses once again to go to Pharaoh and tell him that the Lord God of the Hebrews said for him to let his people go so that they may serve him. And if he refused that the Lord’s hand was on the cattle, horses, donkeys, camels oxen, and sheep and there will be a very grievous murrain (Severe plague). But God will protect the children of Israel’s animals of this murrain and won’t be touched by it. The Lord warned him this was to happen tomorrow if he was not to let his people go. So it happened like God said that it would, all the animals died in Egypt but the children of Israel’s animals were spared. Pharaoh sent to check if the Israelites’ animals were dead and were not and this made the Pharaoh’s heart was hardened more and did not let the people go.

Sixth plague: Boils
This plague touched the Egyptians first hand and the priests of the land could not worship their fake gods in the land of Egypt. The Lord told Moses and Aaron to take handful of ashes of the furnace and let Moses sprinkle it toward the heaven in Pharaoh’s sight. And there will be boils that break out all over the land of Egypt that will be on man and animals. Moses obeyed and did as God told him to do. And the magicians could not stand before Moses because they were infected with the boils. And the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart more and did not let the people go.

Seventh plague: Hail
This plague attacked the god of the Nile and it made Pharaoh to admit for the first time that he has sinned. God brings out his destruction in this plague so that everybody will know he is God and to free Israel from ideology and slavery and other things. The land of Goshen was not affected by this plague. The Lord told Moses to rise up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh and warn him that if he does not let his people go that God will send all of his plagues upon his heart, the servants and his people for he will show him that there is none like God in all the earth. That by stretching out his hand that he will smite him and his people with pestilence and be cut off from the earth. And that he was to use them to show God to everyone on the earth. And God promised that tomorrow it would rain a grievous hail, something that has never been seen in Egypt before. God tells them that the hail that will fall will kill whatever it lands on. So with this the ones that take heed to God’s warning bring their livestock and themselves in their house and the one’s that choose not and stay in the field will die. Then the Lord told Moses to stretch out his hand to heaven that there will be hail in all the land of Egypt, on every man on every animal, and on every garden in the field throughout the land. So Moses stretched forth his rod to heaven and the Lord sent thunder and hail and fire ran along the ground and the Lord rained hail and fire mingled in with it on all of Egypt, like never seen before. The hail destroyed men, animals and the fields. In the land of Goshen the children of Israel were protected. Then Pharaoh sends for Moses and Aaron and says to them that he has sinned and his people and he are wicked but the Lord is righteous. So he agrees to let his people go. When Moses gets out of the city he promised to lift up his hand and the hail will stop and that he will know that the earth is the Lord’s. Once the Pharaoh seen the hail stop then Pharaoh and his servants sinned even more and still his heart was hardened even more. He refused to let his people go.

Eighth plague: Locusts
This plague did not start instantaneously it took some time to set up. The Lord told Moses to go to Pharaoh again because his and the servant’s hearts were hardened even more and tell them to let his people go. Moses was to warn Pharaoh this plague will be locusts and they will cover the face of the earth and eat all of their crops that remain and will eat every tree that produce food. The locusts will also be in every Egyptian house which they have not seen anything like this before with the locusts. After Moses leaves from telling Pharaoh this, his servants asks Pharaoh to please let the children of Israel go so that they may serve their God before God destroys the land of Egypt. Pharaoh then calls Moses back and tells his family only to go serve their Lord but to know that evil is before them. And to talk to God and ask him to stop the coming of the locust and Moses says when would you like the locust to be stopped and Pharaoh told him tomorrow! So God tells Moses to stretch out his hand with the rod and locusts will be all over the land of Egypt. Moses did this and the Lord brought an east wind on the land all that day and that night and in the morning the east wind brought the locust. The locust was so great that there will be none like them before now or in the future. They covered the face of the whole earth so that the land was darkened. And they did eat every herb of the land and all the fruits in the tree where there was no green to be found in all of Egypt. Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron again quickly and said that he had sinned against the Lord and them. He asks for their forgiveness only this once and asks them to ask God to take this away from him. Pharaoh tries to compromise and tells Moses he can go to the desert and worship God but he has to leave his children behind but he will let the men go. But Moses says no to this compromise. Then the Lord turned on a west wind and cast the locusts into the Red Sea. And not one locust remained in all of Egypt. But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart even more and would not let the people go.

Ninth plague: Darkness
This plague came without warning and did not affect the land of Goshen. This plague was directed to the sun god. God told Moses to stretch out his hand toward heaven that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt even darkness that may be felt. And Moses did so and there was a thick darkness over the land of Egypt for three days. No one saw one another for three days but all of the children of Israel had light in their land. Pharaoh told Moses to go serve the Lord and take his children with him however he was to leave his flocks and herds. Moses told Pharaoh that they needed to take the animals to offer up a sacrifice to God and that they don’t know ahead of time what exactly the Lord wants them to offer up until that time. But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart and would not let them take their cattle and their belongings. Then Pharaoh threatens Moses and tells him to leave and never come back to see him. So Moses agrees.

Tenth plague: Firstborn Shall Die
Then God told Moses that there was one last plague he was to bring to Pharaoh and upon Egypt and that afterwards Pharaoh will let the children of Israel go. God told Moses to get everyone ready for the journey out of Egypt. And the people of Egypt had favor on them and gave jewels of silver and jewels of gold to them. Moses was very great in the land of Egypt, in the sight of Pharaoh’s servants, and in the sight of the people. Moses warned Pharaoh that the Lord told him about midnight he was to go out in Egypt and all the firstborns of the land were to die including Pharaoh’s firstborn and the firstborn of all the animals. And there will be a great cry throughout the land of Egypt such that there has been none like it or will ever be again. The children of Israel were not affected by this curse. This came to pass yet Pharaoh’s heart still was hardened by God and would not let his people go.

The Passover Lamb
The LORD said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt “This month will be the beginning of the first month of the year for you. And on the tenth of this month they are each to take a lamb for themselves, a lamb for each household. If the lamb was too small for a lamb then he and his neighbor nearest to his house are to take one according to the number of persons in them and divide the lamb. The lamb should be unblemished male of a year old and on the fourteenth day of the same month then the whold assembly of Israel is to kill it at twilight. And take some of the blood and put it on the doorposts and on the lintel of the houses where they eat. They will eat the flesh of the lamb that same night roasted with fire and eat unleavened bread and bitter herbs. Do not eat any of it raw or boiled with water but roast with fire, both its head and its legs along with its entrails.” God tells them the manner they should eat the food, with your loins girded, wearing sandals on their feet and their staff in their hand and they should eat in haste. It is the LORD’S Passover. On that night the last plague will happen. The plague will go through the land of Egypt and both man and animal will face the LORD’S judgment but the plague will pass by the ones with the blood on the houses and will not destroy them. God then tells them that this is a day to be memorable to them and they should celebrate it as a permanent ordinance. Seven days they should eat unleavened bread but on the first day you should remove leaven from your house and whoever eats anything leavened from the first day until the seventh that person will be cut off from Israel. And on the first day you should have a holy assembly and a holy assembly on the seventh day. No work should be done on them days, except what must be eaten by every person and that alone may be prepared by you. So they must also observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread throughout their generations as well. Because on this day is the day God brought the land of Israel out of the land of Egypt. Then God tells them that in that first month, on the fourteenth day at evening, they will eat unleavened bread wuntil the twenty-first day of the month in the evening. Seven days there should be no leaven found in the house for whoever eats the leavened, that person will be cut off from the congregation of Israel. So then Moses calls for the elders and prepares them for the Passover lamb. They did all God wanted them to do. Moses also telling them that they should observe these things for generations to come. So they all obeyed and did what they were told to do. It came at midnight that the Lord struck all the firstborn in the land of Egypt of the men, and animals and even Pharaoh’s firstborn. There was a great cry in Egypt for there was no home where there wasn’t someone dead that did not have the blood over their homes. Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron that night and told them to go and worship the Lord. And take their flocks and herds and Pharaoh asks them to bless him. Then the people of Egypt urge them to send them out in fear that they will all die. The LORD gave favor to the children of Israel and the Egyptians gave them their silver, gold, and clothing to take along their trip. The children of Israel traveled from Rameses to Succoth and there were about six hundred thousand men on foot not include the children. Along with them were a very large number of livestock. They baked the dough which they had brought out of Egypt into cakes of unleavened bread. The bread had not become leavened, since they were driven out of Egypt and could not delay, nor had they prepared any provisions for themselves. The time that the children of Israel lived in Egypt was 430 years and on that day they left for the Promised Land.

Consecration of the Firstborn
The LORD tells Moses that every man even the slaves & even any foreigners that wish to be part of Israel, must be circumcised and then eat of the unleavened bread. That no uncircumcised person may eat of it. So they all obeyed God. For seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day there shall be a feast to the LORD. Then when they reach the land of Canaanite, they should bring all of their firstborn sons and dedicate them to God. Bring the firstborn of the animals and sacrifice them to the Lord. All of this will be a sign to remind the people that God was the one who brought the children of Israel out of Egypt.

God Leads the People
God did not lead the people the shortest distant to the land, however he lead them through the wilderness through the Red Sea. He done this in fear that some of the people would flee back to Egypt when the war started. Moses kept his promise to take Joseph’s body back with him. God went before them on their journey to lead the way, a pillar of clouds by day and a pillar of fire by night, so that they could travel day and night.

Pharaoh in Pursuit
The Lord told Moses where to camp and that he was going to hardened Pharaoh’s heart once more and that he will chase after them. God told Moses that he will be honored through Pharaoh and his army and the Egyptians will know that he is LORD. And they did so. When Pharaoh found out that the people had left, he had a change of heart and could not believe he had let the people go and wanted his servants back. So he sent out to get them back. Pharaoh took six hundred select chariots and other Egyptians with him. They overtook them camping by the sea. As the Pharaoh drew near to them, the children of Israel became frightened and cried out to the LORD. Then they started to question Moses why he had taken them this way out of Egypt. And reminded him that they would had rather been left slaves than to die out in the wilderness like this.

The Sea is Divided
But Moses said to the people do not fear! That the Egyptians that they have seen today they will see no more through the salvation of the LORD. Moses told them that the LORD would fight for them through their silence. Then the LORD tells Moses to lift up his staff and stretch out his hand over the Red Sea and it will divide so that the sons of Israel can pass by on the other side of dry land. And the LORD tells him that he will harden the heart of Pharaoh and his army will go after them. And through this God will be honored and they will know that He is LORD. The angel of God who had been going before the camp of Israel moved and went behind them and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them. Later that night, between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel, there was the cloud along with the darkness and it gave light at night. But neither camp came to the other all night. Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the LORD swept the sea back with a strong east wind all night and turned the sea into dry land so that the waters were divided. The sons of Israel went through the midst of the sea on the dry land and the waters were like a wall to them on both sides. Then Pharaoh and his army followed. In the morning, the LORD confused the Egyptians with the pillar of cloud and fire. This caused their chariots to swerve and made driving difficult so the Egyptians said let us flee from Israel because the LORD is fighting for them! Then the LORD told Moses to stretch out his hand over the sea and the waters will cover the Egyptians that followed them. So Moses did. The LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the sea. The waters returned to as it was washing away the Egyptians not one of them remained. The children of Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore. When the children of Israel saw the great power of the LORD they feared him and believed in Him and in Moses.

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